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3D Smart Solutions introduces Mastercam - CNC Software at METALEX Vietnam 2022 – Ready for the future of mechanical processing industry

28/10/2022 00:10
1813 Lượt xem
TCCKVN During 3 days from October 6th to 8th, 2022, 3D Smart Solutions Company participated in METALEX - Vietnam’s International Exhibition on Machine Tools & Metalworking Solutions for Production Upgrade – 15th Edition.


METALEX Vietnam 2022 would be taking place under the theme of “Shape the next normal” with the aim of accelerating Vietnam’s manufacturing market to rebound. The event promises to offer a one-stop destination for all world-class technology providers and local industrialists to exchange breakthrough ideas, business know-how, along with advancements which could lead to a burst of innovation, productivity improvement, and a reconnected world. This would be achieved through various year-round activities such as technology showcases, skill competitions, factory roadshows, thought-provoking conferences, and business matchmaking events.

The exhibition attracted more than 250 brands from 20 countries such as Accretech, Epson, Mitutoyo, Takamaz, Yamaha, Hiwin, LKM, New Century, Delta, Showadenki... Along with 8 groups of international pavilions at the exhibition to introduce breakthrough technology that drives growth and efficiency for Vietnam's metalworking industry.

This exhibition also contributes to helping enterprises to boost production and business activities, expand markets, exchange modern technologies, etc. In addition to the introduction of technological machinery, the event also focuses on knowledge development and business cooperation.

Within the framework of the exhibition, there will also be conferences, specialized seminars, technology demonstrations, welder skills contests, etc. These special activities will provide opportunities for industrialists to learn new skills and knowledge needed in the metalworking industry and tackle pressing challenges…

2. 3D Smart Solutions participated and introduced Mastercam software solutions at METALEX VIETNAM 2022 

Sharing the joyful atmosphere of this exhibition, 3D Smart Solutions Company, as a distributor of MASTERCAM - CNC software in Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar, also participated in the event and brought many meaningful activities that attracted many visitors to pay attention and gain new knowledge.

Mr. Truong Tan Tong - Founder & CEO of 3D Smart Solutions directly consulted Mastercam software solutions for the guests.

Mastercam is the world's most widely used CAM software, providing both CAD and CAM functionality to efficiently control CNC machines to optimize productivity. 3D Smart Solutions is proud to be a direct distributor of genuine Mastercam from CNC Software Inc. With many years of experience in the field of 3D technology and a team of skilled engineers, 3DS provides the optimal CAD/CAM solutions for Enterprises, committed to cost savings, consulting - transfer process In-depth and rigorous training, providing the best technical support services.

Mr. Dave Moskey, Territory Manager of India, Southeast Asia, and The Middle East of CNC Software, LLC. shared with visitors about Mastercam's business development plan in Vietnam and surrounding areas.

Attendees at the event who visit Mastercam Booth received direct advice from Mastercam experts and engineers with more than 10 years of experience in optimal CNC machining strategies.

The booth displaying CNC machining products using Mastercam software

The engineers team of 3D Smart Solutions introduced sophisticated CNC machined products with Mastercam software at the exhibition booth and impressed visitors.

Exciting and interesting mini-game activities attract a large number of guests to join.

3DS hand-delivered attractive prizes to enthusiastic and lucky guests.

Some more pictures at the event:

3. Summary

3D Smart Solutions would like to thank our partners and customers for taking time to attend the Metalex Vietnam 2022 exhibition and experience the activities at Mastercam booth. We hope that the sharing from our experts, engineers of Mastercam, and the solutions introduced by 3DS will be really meaningful for you in your outsourcing and manufacturing activities.

About 3D Smart Solutions

Pioneer in providing 3D technology solutions and services in Vietnam. Our operating criteria is: Be Right The First Time. Please comment on our Facebook and Linkedin pages! Don't forget to sign up for our free weekly newsletter, with all the latest 3D Solutions news sent straight to your email address.

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